Thursday, October 17, 2013

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

October WAS Down Syndrome Awareness Month and obviously I missed the boat on my October posts!

I shared this information on my Facebook page and wanted to share it here, too.  Breaking the "stereotype" of what Down syndrome is will help open the doors to acceptance and equality.  There is no reason a person with Down syndrome cannot live a "normal", happy, fulfilling life just like you and me!

1. MYTH: People with Down syndrome are always happy.
FACT: People with Down syndrome experience a full range of emotions such as sadness, anger and happiness, just like everyone else.

2. MYTH: Children with Down syndrome must be placed in separate special education programs.
FACT: Most children with Down syndrome in the United States are “mainstreamed” into regular schools. They attend regular classes for some subjects and attend special classes for other subjects. Each school system is required to provide the best learning environment possible for all children with special needs.

3. MYTH: People with Down syndrome are "forever children".
FACT: Adults with Down syndrome can work, have relationships, get married, and often live on their own with some assistance. They continue to learn and gain new skills just like everyone else. THE ONLY LIMITS ARE OTHER PEOPLE'S LOW EXPECTATIONS.

4. MYTH: Down syndrome is a disease.
FACT: Down syndrome is not a disease. People with Down syndrome are not sick or suffering. Down syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21, indicates an extra 21st chromosome. The error in cell division of chromosomes occurs randomly at conception.

5. MYTH: Down syndrome is descriptive of the condition.
FACT: The syndrome takes its name from the doctor who identified the syndrome in 1856, Dr. John Langdon Down. He did not have Down syndrome so "Down's syndrome" is not correct.

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