Wednesday, May 23, 2012

With a little help from our friends...

Clay started receiving private occupational therapy services (along with Early Intervention from our school district) about 3 weeks ago at Stones Worth Stepping, a developmental learning center that offers occupational and speech therapy.  Babies with Down syndrome typically have low muscle tone, meaning it takes a little longer and little extra work to reach their physical milestones such as holding their head up, sitting, crawling, walking, etc.

I am amazed at how well Clay is doing in such a short amount of time!  I think those muscles just needed a little extra coaxing!  He can now roll from his back to his belly and back over again, is holding his head up high and proud during tummy time, and reaching and grabbing on to objects.  We have been working on sitting and Clay gets a huge grin on his face when put into the "tripod" position.  I think he feels like a big boy seeing his world from a new view!  He does baby sit-ups and tries to pull himself upright every time we put him in his swing or bouncy seat.  We could not be any more proud of our strong little man :-)

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