My mom was awesome at organizing Clay's "team"; we just showed up and had a great time! We had a few family friends and three of my aunts join us for bagels and coffee at my parent's, carnival fun at North Middle, followed by the 1 mile awareness walk. A good time was had by all!
Look at the man of the hour soaking it all up!
Our awesome team!
Mo Pape, aunt Nina, mama and Clay, Murph, Julie and Wyatt, Mo Haley, Kath and Hazel, Grandma Sue, Becky, Reagan, and Mason - thank you, thank you for your support!!!
Hazel was infatuated with Reagan. I think this picture about sums it up!!!
I love how Hazel was copying Reagan in all the poses!
The awesome slide!

Clay was lovin' on my aunt Nina, who was so sweet to drive from Kansas City for the walk!
The rescue squad :-)
I hope they didn't like the back seat too much!
Future crime fighters
I love when I get to hang out with my dear friend Becky and her beautiful family. We have been the bestest of friends since our freshman year of high school....and through a lot of sh*t throughout those years. I know I can always count on her to wipe my tears, listen to me vent, or order another round of shots at the bar. Watching our kids play together is so surreal; it seems like we were cheering at football games and getting ready for prom not so long ago. I love her and her littles.
And last but not least, of course the petting zoo was a huge hit with my little superheroes!
We are ready to do it all over again in September in New York City and in October at the Omaha Buddy Walk! Please join us!
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