Saturday, May 24, 2014

Weekly Phone Dump

Doing a little outdoor exploring 

What!?  A little dirt never hurt anyone, right!?

Hazel found her future Prince Charming!

Last week, Hazel and Clay had preschool and Wyatt did not so we spent the morning at the zoo - just the two of us.  We had a great time and we both had our first Skyfari experience!

Wyatt's last day of preschool!

Clay's new wheels!  It is called a Smart Trike.  He LOVES is and I love that he is strapped in!  
Finding it at Big Wheels was even better - I didn't have to put it together!

Some paddle boat time with the "big kids"!

Clay loves to cruise around on his John Deere :)

It is toad and frog season and we are loving it!

A sneak peek of our family pics we took last week!  
I can't wait to get our pictures back from our photographer!

Clay found his shadow!

Clay found his shadow tonight! 

In the 2nd picture he is signing "dad". 

I don't know if he just wanted to watch himself do cool things, if he thought the shadow was dad, or if he wanted to show dad his cool new find!? 

Any which way, it was adorable!

Frozen cooking class

I recently stumbled across a website for Kidz Cook with Joy that is located in Ralston.  
Wyatt and Hazel love to help in the kitchen so I knew they would like taking a class.  
When I saw they were having a Frozen themed party, I knew they would LOVE it!  
...and they did.  
I think Hazel's was more than love.  
She was infatuated with Elsa!

A banana Olaf
Princess Elsa helping with their craft.

Such a stud!

She didn't want to let go :) 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Childhood is not a race...

We had Clay's IFSP meeting yesterday, where we discussed all of his goals for the next 6 months with his speech, physical, and occupational therapists. 

I am so proud of all the goals he has met and continues to work on. 

One of the most important things Clay has taught me is that childhood is not a race. 
You can never get these moments back so it is okay to slow down, enjoy now, and not rush the future.

Some days, like all moms, I feel so overwhelmed with it all.
 Learning colors, how to ride a bike, read, write your name, etc. and I need to just remember it will all come with time and one day I will look back and wish we were back to the time before they knew these things. 
Clay definitely does things at HIS OWN PACE, and that has taught me so much. 
THIS IS HIS JOURNEY and I am just here to guide to him in the right direction....and that applies to so many aspects of parenting!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A rough week for Wyatt

Wyatt fell when he got out of the shower and hit his chin on our tile floor.  It split open pretty good and I was pretty sure he needed stitches.  Luckily, the family practice clinic in Valley was still open so they got him all fixed up!

He was SUPER brave and didn't cry until the numbing shots.  Then we both cried.  
Thank GOD they did there job and he was a super tough guy during the stitches!

A trip to Dairy Queen on the way home made everything better!  ....and the big glass of wine I drank after he went to bed :)

A few days later, Wyatt had an allergy test with an allergy doctor at Boys Town.  He has always had "seasonal allergy" symptoms - running nose, sneezing, water eyes, cough, etc. except his aren't seasonal - they last ALL year.  To add to it, he has been breaking out in hives when we play outside and around animals.

The allergy "scratches" were nothing compared to the numbing shots; he didn't shed a tear and laid still the whole time.  He is such a great patient.

I knew he had allergies but I did NOT expect him to be allergic to the ENTIRE panel.  He tested positive to all 28 allergens they tested + horses....and he had a sinus infection - again.


We were sent home on an antibiotic, a steroid, with an EpiPen, and lots of information about exploring dietary restrictions and allergy shots.  Yikes!!!!

We discovered a new treatment for allergies called sublingual immunotherapy, which is fancy for "allergy drops".  It is similar to allergy shots but given in a liquid, drop form under the tongue.

This fairly new and not a lot of doctors in Omaha do it, yet.  He has an appointment next week with a different allergy doctor who does do the drops so more info. on that coming soon!

This picture was seconds after the scratch test.  All those red areas spread to dime + size hives within minutes.  

Poor guy!!!

Phone Dump

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures! 

Lincoln Half 2014

Well, I pulled it off!  I have to admit, I was way under trained this year.  I definitely didn't log the miles I should have and hurt my ankle on my last long run prior to the race.

I was super nervous I would not be able to do it but taking a few days off, ice, and some KT tape did the trick.

I was hoping for a few minutes less on my time but beggars can't choosy, right!?

I raised $330 for Research Down Syndrome!  Thanks to everyone who donated to this great cause!

The whole fam went down to Lincoln the night before the race and went to the Natural History Museum on Nebraska's campus and out to eat at the Haymarket.  All was well until the hotel sleeping.  Clay didn't let anyone get much sleep but we all had fun nonetheless!

This was Clay on the way home from Lincoln.  I hear ya, dude!