So everyone knows I love babies. As soon as Wyatt & Hazel were on the verge of becoming toddlers, we started working on adding another baby to the family!
As we have finally slowed down in the baby department and Wyatt continues to turn into more of a little man everyday, I have to say I am really liking this new stage of parenthood.
Wyatt is a wonderful best friend. Not just the snuggles and he needs me kinda friend.
We can talk, we can laugh, ask each other questions about our day, hold hands, and be 100% happy just spending time together.
We have a few friends who have a lot of kids - even more than us (gasp!). They were kind enough to share with us how to have happy kids when you have a big family or kids so close together in age - one-on-one time. This is so important not only for them, but for us as parents. I don't have to pack an overflowing diaper bag, the double stroller, worry about sippy cups, high chairs, and nap times. Wyatt just takes my hand and we head out on our adventure.
Our latest adventure was checking out Junkstock - which was so awesome, it deserves it's own post. Think all the Pinterest projects you have ever wanted to do, done by someone else and for sale for a reasonable amount of money.
Wyatt was an excellent shopping companion and was not afraid to tell me, "I don't think daddy would like that, mom". He also picked out a wonderful present for papa Jim for his birthday.
After our shopping adventure, we saw Shrek the Musical at the Elkhorn High School.
Wyatt loved the singing and dancing and did great sitting through the 2.5 hour show. Two. and. a. half. hours. Isn't Shrek a KIDS show!?
I look forward to many more dates with my little man.
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