Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Color Run

I ran my second 5k on July 14th and it was A-MAZ-ING!  The Color Run is known as "the happiest 5k on the planet" and they are right!  There were thousands of eager runners, wearing all white, lined up at the start line and dancing to the beats blasting on the giant speakers.  When the start gun sounded, the crowd exploded in cheers.  At every 1k there was a color station where you got blasted with colored powder from head to toe.  By the end, I was a sweaty, colorful, happy mess!

Kelina, my running partner in crime!

A color bomb in the after crowd - just for fun!

My sister-in-laws Jill & Calla's first 5k!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A little photo fun!

I didn't want to leave Wyatt and Hazel out of the "mommy plays photographer" fun so we did our own little photo shoot!  Hazel was all for accessorizing until the camera came out and then she took coaxing to even get her picture taken!  Little stinker ;-)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Clay the super reader!

I decided to do a little Pinterest inspired photo shoot today and it turned out SO cute. Clay is quite the little baby model :-)
So many books, so little time!