Monday, February 20, 2012

The Birthday Boy is 3!!!!! February 20th

I cannot believe that 3 years have passed since Wyatt's birth - what a crazy, busy 3 years it has been!  I still remember the moment I saw him for the first time, like it was yesterday.  That perfect face looking back at me and we were best friends forever at that very moment.  He continues to amaze me and and fill our world with joy everyday.  You never know what he is going to do or say next but you can bet on getting a good smile out of it!

Special Zoo Trip With Just Mom & Dad!

 3 Years Old, 3 Parties, 3 Cakes!

Hazel, Too! 

Doesn't Get Any Better Than This ;-)

Presents, Presents, Presents!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Moving full speed ahead!

Clay came home from Children's Hospital on Tuesday February 14th, just 1 week after his surgery!  We brought him home from the NICU on Christmas Day and home following surgery on Valentine's Day - a sign of what a true gift he is!  He is definitely much stronger now - strong enough to cry his little lungs out when he isn't being held at ALL times and strong enough to be hungry multiple times a night (something I had been SO spoiled by pre-surgery)!  Clay has been a fighter since birth and is really letting that personality shine through now.  We are all so thrilled to have this hurdle behind us and move forward with this crazy, wonderful life of 3 little ones!

Happy Valentine's Day

Making Super Hero Valentine's for School!

 Valentine Cookies for Breakfast!

With Lots of Love From the Jankes!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Clay the Super Star!

After arriving to Children's at 5:30 this morning, Luke and I placed Clay and all of our faith into the hand's of the surgery team at 7 am.  We were updated about every half an hour on his progress and at 11 am heard the wonderful news that everything had gone according to plan and we would get to see him within the hour.

The surgeons used a synthetic material (Gore-Tex) to create an artificial valve and used his own heart tissue to repair the hole in the wall.  We were very pleased to hear that the valve is functioning perfectly and his heart is now performing just like it should!  Clay was moved from the operating room up to the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) and is now quite comfy on his own, full-size hospital bed with enough cords and machines to power half of Omaha.  They were able to take him off the ventilator this evening which is much sooner than anticipated and is a clear indicator of well he is doing.  We are hoping to get to hold, feed, and smother him with kisses tomorrow.

Luke and I are so grateful for all of our family and friend's continued support during this time.  Clay is fighting strong because he knows he has such a great life to fight for! XOXO

Please excuse any grammatical errors in this post.  I am running on very little sleep and energy right now!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tuesday is the Day

Clay's heart surgery has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 7th.  This is sooner than expected but we are glad to have the watching and waiting game over with.  Dr. Hammel will do the surgery at Children's Hospital and we have been told to expect 7-10 days before we can bring Clay back home with us.  We have been told by lots of people, with first hand knowledge, that he will be in great hands!  Please say LOTS of prayers for our little man's quick recovery!

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Christmas 2011

We thought 2010 was a crazy Christmas with the big blizzard that threw off everyone's plans.  

Christmas 2012 proved to be MUCH crazier.  With Clay's due date being December 31st, it was hard to make plans not knowing when he was going to decide to join us and when he did, when he would get to come home from the hospital.  

As we all know now, Clay made his big appearance a little ahead of schedule on 12-19-11 and came home from the NICU on 12-25.  This was the best Christmas present we could have asked for - our whole family at home, together.  That being said, I was SO not ready for Christmas.  After spending 7 days and nights at the hospital, no presents were wrapped and Santa was not prepared for his trip to our house!  

Luckily, Wyatt and Hazel were so happy for us to be home they did not even notice that Christmas happened a few days late at our house.  My step sister-in-law welcomed her new baby boy, Daxton, on 12-16 so a delayed Christmas was welcomed by all on the Turpen side.  With five Christmases in all, the last one finally wrapped up the last weekend in January.  Needless to say, Wyatt and Hazel are going to be very disappointed to learn next year that Christmas is not a month long celebration!

Santa Brought a Train Table!

Wyatt Enjoys Getting Pretty at the Vanity, Too!

Our Little Princess

Christmas at Grandma Karen's

Giddee Up!

Hazel Loves Her Papa!

Aunt Esther with Daxton & Clay - She was in Heaven!

Such a Stud ;-)

Aunt Jill with Clay

Grandma & Papa Turpen

Christmas with Chris & the Girls!

Aunt Lily & Clay